Interesting crowdsourcing experiment on radio

I am working on an article on citizen journalism, and came across this experiment being conducted on the Brian Lehrer show on WNYC.

They’re doing a story on price gouging, and put out a call to people to “report” back on the price of three simple items at the grocery store: milk, beer and lettuce. The request went out on Sept 24th, and they have until tomorrow, Oct 4th, to file their reports in, via the web site.
They have to give the following details:

-The prices of these goods
-The neighborhood where you bought them (please give exact address, or at least the block and cross street)
-The name of the supermarket
-Any distinguishing characteristic (e.g. local bodega, high-end retailer, etc.)
-Whether or not you were surprised (yes or no)?

In a previous crowdsourced story in August, they asked listeners to report back on the number of SUVs they saw on their block. See results here. They mapped the data with pin-cushions on a Google map.

A great way to take radio into the web 2.0 era!

One thought on “Interesting crowdsourcing experiment on radio

  1. Pingback: Crowdsourcing experiment update « Hoi Polloi: marketing + social media + public relations

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