Quotes for the week ending 24 November, 2007

“This isn’t a completely new business model; cellphone companies have offered similar deals for a while, but this is the first time I’ve seen this approach applied to mobile broadband.”

CNet review of Amazon’s new service claled “Amazon Whispernet,” to support it’s sleek new eBook reader called Kindle. The cost of wireless browsing books at Amazon is built into the product.

“Copywriters wrote copy. Art Directors directed art … But what’s also needed is the evolution of €”the next iteration. But what does this look like? An Information Architect who completely grasps Human Computer Interaction but can also think fluidly €”can do things like rapidly create prototypes, facilitate user testing, understand visual design and occasionally write copy. This kind of individual possesses a multi-dimensional creative brain that has evolved over time.”

David Armano, VP of Digitas, guest writing for Influential Marketing, a blog by Rohit Bhargava.

“We’ve always joked the holiday is like the running of the bulls … This year it will be the fast-walking of the bulls though because we have implemented a crowd control…”

Matt Maestas, manager of Target in Tempe, Arizona, on how the mad rush of shoppers would be managed on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving.

“The wireless industry can’t be an extension of the Internet because wireless bandwidth is finite. It’s a fixed resource, and it is shared bandwidth. The more people who use it in a given area, the less data speed they have.”

Andrew Seybold (on The Lehrer Rerport) commenting on Google‘s plan to enter the wireless industry. Google’s Eric Schmidt countered that this was the same argument made about the Internet years before.

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